I work with people who are sick and tired of having an upset stomach, worried they’ll never feel well again or be able to eat the foods they love.
I work with you to discover what food and lifestyle habits will have you feeling vital, energetic and back eating foods you love.

If you’ve ever experienced stomach pain, lack of energy, constant tiredness or heart palpitations, then you may already understand why I ventured into the world of health and well-being. I wanted to gain an understanding of why I felt like I did, and what I needed to do, to finally reclaim my health and vitality .
Like many people who’ve experienced this, I was totally unprepared for how it affected me. I’d always been determined, self-reliant and had been running a business since 1997 and prided myself on “getting jobs done.” So I was totally floored when in my just turned 50’s, I found myself fairly useless after 1pm. All I could do was lie down and sleep for the rest of the day. This was unheard of and totally unacceptable for me, I had many responsibilities and a long ‘to-do’ list of which I needed to get done.
Sound familiar??
The great news is that I was able to unlock the secret to getting well, and now it’s my life passion to get others back to their healthy, energetic and vital self.
On my passage to wellness I learned so much about the foods we eat, nutrition and our surrounding environment and craved the desire to know more. Long story short… I became a Certified Functional Nutrition Coach, completed the Microbiome certified course, am a member of ACNEM : Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine, and continuing studies which include the Microbiome & Epigenetic’s. I’m also a big advocate for Aromatherapy oils, the Buyoto breathing technique, utilising tapping as a tool, and believe in the powerfulness of the mind.
Really all that means for you is that I know my stuff! And that I’m highly qualified to work with you on both the nutrition and mindset level because they are both critical to your ultimate success. What I do for my clients isn’t just based on theory, instead it’s based on evidence, real life experience, and most importantly – proven results! This is important because a lot of the time when clients come to me they’ve already tried a lot of different approaches that didn’t work. So when you work with me, it’s about understanding why you’re body hasn’t responded to the other approaches, and the new habits you can form to ensure long-term life-changing results.
When I’m not working in Gut Health Guidance, I’m living and breathing the same lifestyle that gets results for my clients. I literally eat my own cooking. In fact, I bought a ‘Primal Alternative’ licence so that I can make it even easier for myself and my clients to eat delicious food to help maintain the long-term life-changing results. What makes me unique is that I always lead by example, which means you can have the confidence that the process works, it works for the long-term, and simply becomes a new pain-free way of life filled with energy and vitality (and delicious food!!).
Over the last many years, I’ve been so passionate and invested in discovering and implementing the best Health and Nutrition habits that suit my body and lifestyle, so that I can continue to live a vital and productive life , and serve those around me.
I’ve learned the importance of Self Care & Self Love, how to use Food as medicine and provide opportunities for others in my community, so they too, can enjoy the same health benefits.
I believe in…
- Creating positive outcomes and enrolling people to believe in themselves
- The ability of the human body to heal when given the right nutrition and environment
- Understanding the diversity of life circumstances and making healthy habits easy to implement
- The fact that we are all unique and we each need to understand how our own body works and discover what foods work for you
- Supporting the conservation of our Parklands and Forests
- Supporting Sustainable and ethical fair trade industry practices
- Practicing the minimisation of waste, recycling and up cycling
- Reducing the toxic load on our bodies and the planet for personal and environmental health
- Moving my body in ways that promotes optimal mobility and physical health
- Living a long life, as healthy and pain free as possible.
I strongly oppose…
- The use of Chemicals and Preservatives in our foods and personal products
- The use of Toxic cleaners & products being used in the house and garden
- The use of Glyphosate (Round Up) in our food system & water ways
- Pollution of our waterways and drinking water
- The over prescribing of medications
- Unethical work practices in the food & clothing industries
- Animal testing for beauty products
- Making people feel embarrassed or guilty or putting them down
- Working with people who won’t put in the work that it takes to get the results they want